Friday, July 7, 2017

TV Debut

Old #4 will be on TV on July 27th on Great American Country Channel (GAC).  The show is called "You Live in What?".  It will air at 10 pm and again at 2 am.

Check to see if you get this channel.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Beyond Media

Today we got to spend the day with Beyond Media.  What a great group of gentleman!!  We were contacted a couple of months from Beyond Media to come and do a taping at the Firehouse about what we live in.  Today was the day that they came and taped for about 9 hours.  Here are a couple of pictures from the taping.

Stay tuned for when the Firehouse will be one TV.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fire Pole

The number one question always asked is there a fire pole?  Well this week we got the fire pole back.  It is all cleaned up and polished and ready to be installed.  It will not be a working fire pole as our insurance company would not be happy with us.

Fire Pole installed.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fall is Coming!

Fall is Coming!

Look at the wonderful decorations that we have come up with this year for Fall.

Happy Fall!
From Our Family to yours.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Christmas is coming

Exciting things coming to Old No. 4!!!

We have been living in the Old No. 4 for a year this October.  After owning Old No. 4 since June of 2014.  We have done a ton of work.  We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas in Old No. 4 last year.  But this year it is going to be bigger and better.  We are very excited as we visited Bulter Tree Farm in Dowagiac, MI a couple of weeks ago to pick out our pumpkins.  We also picked out 3 Christmas trees.  We had such a great Family time picking out pumpkins and Christmas Trees.  We can't wait to go and get our Christmas trees in about a month.  We have great plans coming for our Christmas Decorations.  Here are some of our pictures from our Family trip to Butler Tree Farm.