Saturday, February 1, 2014

How it came about


One day Doug comes up to me and says lets buy the Old #4 Fire Station on Lincolnway East.  The City of Mishawaka had just decommissioned it in December 2013.  At the beginning I asked Doug what are we going to do with it.  He said that he wanted to make it into an office building on the first floor and an apartment on the second floor, maybe even be able to use the 3rd floor (attic).  We had just finished up a rehab on our house at the time.  I first thought no way am I going to do another big project.  Well after sleeping on it for a few days/weeks and talked to Doug about his plans.  We decided why not make it into our office/home.  Man look at the money we could save by living and working in the same place.  So began the process of figuring out what we were doing.  We had to start by putting a bid in for the Firehouse with the City of Mishawaka.  Well in doing so we had to come up with plans of what we were going to do with the property.

So on April 29th, 2014 the City of Mishawaka Redevelopment Commission approved our big.

Around the first week of June, 2014 we received possession of the Firehouse.

And this is where are story of Old #4 begins: