Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fire Pole

Fire Pole Story

According to the Fire Fighters the pole was backed into and removed at that time.  We went on a hunt for a Fire Pole to put back into the Fire House.  We didn't have to look far Elkhart Old #4, which was turned into a house also at some point had one for sale.  So we purchased the Fire Pole and had to have it cut down to fit in the Fire House.  We then took it to be cleaned and polished.  Here is a picture of the Fire Pole cut down to size.

Fire Pole Cut to Size.
Fire Pole.

Fire Pole

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Painting Upstairs

We decided to have a painting party to get the upstairs painted.  Thank you to all of our Family and Friends that came over to help paint.  We could have never finished the painting of the 2nd floor without your help.

Amelia's Room Purple
Amelia's Room Purple
Amelia's Room

Aaron's Room Blues

Aaron's Room Blues

Aaron's Room

Aaron's Room

Hallway Yellow

Amelia's Room

Amelia's Room


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Garage door

Garage Door being removed for good!

Garage Door Being Removed.
Temporary Wall Outside View.
Temporary Wall Inside View.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Other photos from Second Floor

Kids Bedroom.
Kids Bedroom

Laundry Room
Second Floor Hallway

Second Floor Living Room Ceiling

Second Floor Living room Beam in the ceiling.
Second Floor Living room Ceiling.

Kids Bathroom

Kids Bathroom.
Bath tub for kids bathroom

Claw foot tub for the kids bathroom.
Claw foot tub cleaned and ready for the kids bathroom.